If you’re like a lot of folks out there, you may find you’re having a tough time trying to choose the best fragrances for men.
Finding a new scent for yourself or someone else as a gift can be a monumental task, to say the least. A perfume or cologne is a reflection of the person who is wearing one of these olfactory delights in a bottle.
If you’re buying a frag as an expression of yourself, you’ll want to be certain you’re buying one of the best fragrances for men that tell the world who you are based on a sniff. A recent article listed several types of men women want.
Men’s fragrances offer an opportunity to show a woman what type he really is. Based on that article and the types mentioned, I’ve listed a few colognes for men that may be just what you were looking for.
Colognes For The Sexy Older Guy
Let’s face it, none of us are getting any younger. As we grow older, our tastes change based on experience. What was once cool and hip is now so yesterday. A woman who at one point enjoyed being around a man-boy is now looking for a man who is more stable and mature. A sexy older guy may have “younger” colognes in his collection that reflect the mood of the moment. He also has several “mature” older colognes that reflect who he truly is.
L’eau D’Issey Pour Homme by Issey Miyake released in 1994 is a cologne I first smelled on an older guy that could only be described as “one suave mother@##.” Cologne for the man who enjoys the benefits citrus-based cologne offers.
Colognes The Considerate Guy
The considerate guy also known as the nice guy has experienced his share of low-interest attention whore types in his life. Now the tables have turned, women who once thought the bad boy was the cat’s meow are now in the market of a guy with some modicum of sense. A considerate guy is one who
you won’t see bouncing around in Ed Hardy wear (although you may find Ed Hardy’s fragrances in his collection). A considerate guy is a fairly sensitive guy who knows he’s in a buyer’s and has his pick of the available crop.He’s not going to waste his best on a time-wasting chick who is totally surprised a man can actually be considerate of her feelings. The considerate man proves that nice guys don’t always finish last.
The Top Cologne For The Considerate Guy Is:
Allure Homme by Chanel-2003-Nothing draws many a woman in like a guy who has an “I can take you or leave you attitude” as presented by a considerate guy. A guy like this is a challenge that has a strange power of attraction second only to that of a douche bag.
Why shouldn’t he have a cologne known for a fresh citrus opening that is followed up by earthy floral middle notes such as Cedar, Gardenia, Patchouli, and Sandalwood?
Colognes ForThe Romantic Guy
The romantic guy is one who knows how to sweep a woman off her feet with simple but meaningful gestures, unlike the grandiose staged tripe we tend to see in movies and novels on the market today.A romantic guy must have a scent or two that hangs in the air (silage) even though he’s left the table to attend to business three minutes ago.
These romantic scents for men will remind a woman of that special guy for years from now no matter how the relationship turned out in the end.
The Top Cologne For The Romantic Guy Is:
Dior Homme released in 2005 is a great blend of fruity notes such as apple and flowers that include Iris, Lavender, and Sage. Have no fear Dior Homme fear, the flowery fruit like notes are tamed with the addition of Leather, Vetiver and topped off by a fragrance note most women can resist Cacao (AKA chocolate).
Colognes For The Confident Guy
The confident guy, not to be confused with a cocky little boy is a man who isn’t asking for a woman to get or feel him. She either takes him as is or hits the bricks in search of a chump who will do whatever it takes to feed her ego
The Top Cologne For The Confident Guy Is:
Burberry Brit. Released in 2004, Brit is a cologne that most men who are confident in who they are would wear that can be worn on that special
date or at work on casual Friday paired with jeans, a button-up shirt, and dress shoes. This combination is the sign of a dude who has the confidence to spare. Just so you know, women dig confidence, I’m just sayin’.
Colognes For The Foreign Guy
The foreign guy doesn’t necessarily have to come from a faraway land. The foreign guy comes from a culture unlike any she’s encountered to date. He’s not the same old same old dude she’s used to being around.
The foreign guy has a lot to teach her about the world he comes from even if it’s from just up the block.
The Top Cologne For The Foreign Guy Is:
Amouage Gold-what is a foreign guy without“foreign cologne?” Amouage Gold was created at the request of the Sultan of Oman who hoped to restore the old school Arab tradition of perfumery. Intense and rare notes make this a cologne you won’t smell on the average local’s only dude. Only a true
Colognes For The Sexy Guy
A Sexy Guy is a man who radiates pure sex where ever he goes. This dude understands sexy is in the eye of the beholder and engages women he knows will appreciate what he has to offer, seldom does this cat go off the reservation, he sticks with what he knows.
A true Sexy Guy’s fragrance collection has at least two great come-and-get-me scents. What’s a come and get me scent? This cologne is one that drives that special woman mad with lust the second she smells it….
On You!
This is the scent she’s going to want to smell on her pillow long after you’re gone
The Top Come & Get Me Scent for The Sexy Guy Is:
Rocawear EvolutionColognes For The Free Spirit Guy (AKA The Douche Bag)
The free spirit guy otherwise known as the bad boy douche bag is a unique creature that takes more than he gives. Yet he is a highly prized and sought-out commodity. Douche bags are a common dime a dozen non-original creature that demands
The Top Scent For The Douche Bag Is:
Aqua Di Gio. Ask any woman what cologne reminds her of the worst guy in her life and you’ll hear Aqua Di Gio. Ask the same woman what cologne comes to mind when she thinks of a challenge and excitement that only a bad boy can provide, you’ll hear ADG.
The top citrus notes in this cologne set the stage for heartbreak and drama that many females willingly walk into only to be shredded as if they fell onto a buzz saw.
Why shouldn’t I? Sure I have Acqua Di Gio in my scent collection.I have a little douche bag in me along with elements of the considerate man, the romantic guy, the sexy guy, and the more I look in the mirror, I’ve noticed a wrinkle or two that hopefully will translate into the sexy older guy.
The trick is to mix and balance all of these unique traits as one would combine mix and combine several different liquors to create the perfect cocktail.
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