What is is a signature scent? I compare a signature scent to my written signature. It's something that is unique to me. My signature tells the … [Read Full Article...
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Cologne & Fragrance 101
What Is Scent Projection?
Most people are not conscious of the full impact of a fragrance or scent and how it speaks for them without having to say a word. Thanks to scent projection and sillage, your scent will follow you … [Read Full Article...
Cologne 101
What Is Scent Projection?
Most people are not conscious of the full impact of a fragrance or scent and how it speaks for them without having to say a word. Thanks to scent projection and sillage, your scent will follow you wherever you go. It lingers with each breath you … [Read More...]
Sillage Versus Projection-What Are They
Sillage Versus Projection Is There a Difference As someone who is interested in cologne and/or perfume, it's important to keep up with the newest terms and trends. In this article, we'll go over the meaning of projection vs sillage. You may also be … [Read More...]
3 Scents You Need For Successful Cuffing Season
What Is Cuffing Season? Cuffing season, depending on who you talk to, is a period that begins in October when the leaves begin to fall and our thoughts turn to Pumpkin Spice Lattes, trips to the orchard, Halloween and the Fall candles hit the stores. It's … [Read More...]